Parking lot safety is vital to your business for various reasons. Of course, you want to protect your customers from harm, but you also need to protect your business from possible lawsuits. Proper maintenance and safety features can help prevent your clientele from falling or being struck by a vehicle. A good parking lot also should be unattractive to thieves.You will improve your business if you invest in parking lot safety. 


As a business owner or landlord, you may neglect your parking lot in favor of making other improvements. However, you need to schedule regular maintenance that includes correcting potholes that can harm vehicles. Also, customers can easily step into these holes and twist or break an ankle. If you do not routinely reseal your pavement, it may become slick during wet weather, causing people to slip and fall. One of the most neglected tasks may be repainting parking lot lines. When the spaces are not clearly marked, vehicles tend to park too close to each other, and many dings and dents can result. Although these are  not serious issues, they can discourage drivers from visiting your business. No one wants to fight for room in a parking lot. 

When pedestrian crossings are not properly marked, people can be seriously injured. Poorly marked handicapped spots are another issue that can adversely affect your business. Non-handicapped drivers may innocently park in these spaces if you do not have them repainted regularly, meaning those who need them may simply bypass your business and to a "friendlier" spot. 


A dark parking lot can be dangerous for your customers, particularly the elderly. Although they should take precautions such as parking under a light and close to the door, these steps are not always possible. If you are open after dark, you should have security guards or cameras guarding your lots. Also, if someone is loaded down with merchandise or simply fearful of the parking lot, have a staff member escort them to their vehicle if possible. You'll gain goodwill while helping to prevent crime at your business. 

Parking lot maintenance and security are necessary to keep your customers safe and you out of court. Simply tending to the pavement and its markings each year can cut down on accidents on the lot. Also, investing in adequate lighting and security for evening hours can discourage crime and encourage commerce. You have many things to consider when you run a business or own a commercial property, but you cannot afford to neglect the parking lot.  For more information, talk with a local parking lot paving company.
